Sunday, March 20, 2011

Can I ever blog on a regular basis???

Hey everyone!

I'm terrible at blogging on a regular basis! I haven't written anything since right after my surgery in November!! I'm very good at remembering to check out my blogger updates, but horrible at remembering to write my own! Oh well...

I've been busy since the last time I wrote. From about the middle of January until about a week ago, I have been doing two jobs during my 8-5 day. Before our former VP of Academics, Dr. Enloe, retired in the middle of January, he asked me to come answer the phones and help him out in his office (while still doing my regular work) his last week and Dr. Tucci's (new VP of Academics) first week. Well, I did that, and guess what...I'm still there! Poor Dr. Tucci had no idea (and I think still doesn't) that Dr. Enloe only asked me to work out of the VP's office for two weeks. And up until about a week ago, I was still doing both my regular job as well as filling in as the temporary Administrative Assistant to the VPAA. Right now, one of the other Arts and Sciences Academic Secretaries is helping to take some of the load off of me. She's handling my departments for the most part. I'm thankful because I'm not so stressed, but sorry she has that burden to bear.

I have gone through several classes since I last wrote, one of which was the most difficult one in my entire program, Teaching English Pronunciation. I just so happened to be taking this class during the time I was: working two jobs, about to move from Opelika back to Montgomery, and trying to maintain my relationship with Glenn. Boy was that a stressful 5 weeks!! SOOO glad it's over!!! :)

Speaking of my move, that was the best thing I could have done. Though I miss getting to see Glenn every evening, I am soooo much happier because I am getting better rest, getting to leave home at 7:45/7:50 for work, etc.

I just got back yesterday from my first trip ever to New Orleans! I went with my coworker and friend, Rebekah, to the TESOL national conference. We had such a blast!! (Because I'm lazy, I'm going to refrain from posting pics right now, but they're on my facebook if you wanna check them out. I'll try to post pics later.)

I also got to meet a few people from the university where I'm working on my masters, Azusa Pacific University. APU is in Azusa, California, not far outside of LA. In case you were wondering, my program is online. :) I had never gotten to meet anyone from my school before, so I was really looking forward to the APU crew dinner on Friday night. There were 16 of us: 1 professor, 2 online students (the other guy is in my current class but not my cohort), several alum from the field-based TESOL program, and several others from the on campus program. What a fun night! I didn't get to meet many of the on campus crew (we got split up at two different tables), but I met several lovely ladies who were in the field-based program. One of them teaches in ATL! :) And another of them is actually my next teacher for my last official class of my MA!! I didn't get to talk with her for very long, but I know she and I will be communicating a lot in the next month or so!! :)

Well, I guess that's it for now. We'll see how long it takes me to blog again!! :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thanks, Dr. Crooms!

Hey there!

It has been 10 days since my surgery, and I'm feeling great! :)

It wasn't fun at first, of course, but I made it through. It took me until Friday to be able to pull my pants up above my belly since the main incision was right at the bottom of my belly button and because I was so bloated from all the air they puffed into me during the surgery. I wore pajama pants every day from Monday until Friday, when we went to The Smok'n Pig in Valdosta to meet my mom's side of the family for a mid-afternoon meal. I wore a new jean skirt I bought recently, that was loose enough on me to not put too much pressure on my belly, and dressed myself up in jewelry (being the faithful Premier Designs jewelry lady that I am! :)) and some cute shoes, and I was ready to go! I had been feeling pretty crummy all week, so it was nice to get "all dressed up" (aka--not wearing pajamas!)!! :)

My sweetie and I at the Smok'n Pig

Glenn and I came back on Saturday, so that we would have a day to rest before going back to work and school. Boy am I thankful that I had my surgery in Tallahassee!! I don't know how I would have made it through the process since both Glenn and I live on the second floor in our buildings. I especially wouldn't have made it without my mama...she took such good care of me!! I'm so thankful to her, my dad, and Glenn for all they did for me last week while I was recovering! And I'm very thankful to Dr. Crooms for taking out my gallbladder, so I don't have to deal with anymore pain in my chest! Thanks, Dr. Crooms! :)

While I was at my parents', our free Christmas cards from Shutterfly came in! I have never ordered photo cards before this, but I am very impressed with them!! They turned out so great!

Check out the card:

I love it!! Thank you, Shutterfly!

Happy December, everyone! :) I just love this time of year. I hated that I was so out of commission on Thanksgiving day because that's the day that I usually help Dad get out all the Christmas decorations, put up the outside lights, and then we all put out all the rest of the decorations together, including the Christmas tree! I was told to sit on the couch, watching and directing. No fun!! :( It looks great in Mom and Dad's house, of course, but I am just sad I had to miss out on actually participating in the family tradition this year. I have enjoyed breaking out the Christmas music (the cds I could find, at least!) and watching some Christmas movies though!

Well, that's about it from me for now! Be back soon! :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Summer Elizabeth Dyer

I just have to tell you about my sweet friend Courtney's baby. Her name is Summer Elizabeth, and she is just the most precious thing!!! See for yourself:

Is she not the cutest thing you've ever seen?!?!

I had so much fun this weekend with Summer and her sweet family! I was privileged to spend most of Friday afternoon with Summer and Courtney (her mommy and my good friend), and I spent most of the day Saturday with Courtney, Summer, and Courtney's mom, Vicki. We went up to Dawsonville to see Molly, Courtney's sister and another sweet friend of mine! Then we went outlet shopping (WHOO HOO!!!!! :))!!! And I got to hold sweet Summer again on Sunday after church before, I left to head back home.

I had such a good weekend with EVERYONE! I was reminded of the incredibly sweet, caring, and loving hearts of the people at Campus View and was so blessed to be in their presence! It had been such a long time since my last visit! Here's to hoping it's not over a year until my next visit!!! :) I'll leave you with a few more pictures of Miss Summer Elizabeth:

Asleep in the car on the way to see Aunt Molly

Look at that beautiful face!!

Loving it!!!

With Courtney and Summer after church

Holiday Greetings, thanks to Shutterfly!!

Happy Monday!

Thanks to some great fellow bloggers, I found out about Shutterfly's blogger promotion on holiday cards!

Shutterfly is so generous this holiday season because they're giving away 50 free holiday cards just for blogging about their promotion! A friend mentioned in her blog post that she and her husband sent out Christmas cards before they were even married and got made fun of for it. Well, I guess we'll see if that happens to me this year! I'm going to get my parents to take some pictures of Glenn and I while we're at their house for Thanksgiving, so that we can have some good ones to put on a holiday card! If it's possible to split up the 50 free cards into more than one design, I'll have some printed with pictures of the whole family on them. I have only been asked to share my favorite three card designs with you, but they were all so wonderful that I couldn't choose just three!! So here are my favorites:

The first set are ones I would use for a picture of Glenn and I.

I like this one because the design and colors on the side are super cute!

I like this one because I think the snowflakes are really cute, and the space for the picture is landscape.

I think the confetti flowers are so cute on this one!

This one would be cute to use for a black and white photo!

I really like this one because of all of the colors and the large photo space!

And this one I like because of all of the colored snowflakes!

The next ones are ones I would use for pictures of the whole family:

I like this one because of the cute candy cane letters on top!

And I like this one because we can put multiple pictures on it, and it would have our last name initial on it:

If YOU would like to receive 50 free holiday cards, go HERE!!

I'm so excited about this, and can't wait to see how mine turn out! :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

It's My Friday!

Happy Friday (TO ME!) :)

I'm flying the coop for the weekend, headed to Athens, GA! My sweet friend, Courtney, just had a baby a little over a month ago, so I'm going to meet Miss Summer. :) While I'm there, I'll get to visit with some really sweet people I love and miss so much!! For those of you who don't know, during undergrad (summer 2006 and summer 2007), I interned for the Campus View church there. During my time there, I got to meet and get to know so many wonderful people. CV is chock-full of kindhearted and Christ-like people, and I was so incredibly blessed to be surrounded by them. I usually can't stay away for too long because I miss them all so much. It's been over a year though since I've been for a visit, so it's high time!!

Speaking of babies, they are popping out all over the place! Sooo many of my friends and acquaintances are pregnant or have just had babies! There really must be something in the water...seriously!! One of my sweet college roommates and her husband just had a little girl about a month and a half or so ago. Her name is Kensleigh, and she is just wayyyy too adorable. I had the pleasure of meeting her about 3 weeks ago. Here's little Miss Kensleigh:

Here's one of the two of us:

And here's her sweet mommy and me:

I realized just now that I have forgotten to talk about the Benefit Dinner. On Thursday evening, October 7th, Sarah Palin graced Montgomery with her presence at Faulkner's Benefit Dinner. The Benefit Dinner is the major fundraising event for the university each year. Each year, the university invites a headliner speaker to speak at the dinner. Typically, the speaker will be a fairly well-known person, but none have been as well known as Sarah Palin. I had never had the opportunity to go to the dinner because the tickets are so pricy, but I lucked out this year and was able to go and take my sweet man with me. It was so much fun to get all dressed up and go to such a nice event! The dinner was great, and the speaker was fantastic! I'm so glad I was there! Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of my date and I while at the dinner, so we took one once we got home (not the best pic either, but it will have to do):

This past Monday was my love's birthday. I frequently try to surprise him with things, but it's so very difficult! He ends up asking me too many questions or simply sharing his thoughts with me, and when he does, I can't keep a straight face and end up giving it away. I was bound and determined to pull one over on him for his birthday, so I contacted two sets of our couple friends, Anna and Daniel and James and Kelly. I asked them about 2 weeks ago if they could meet us for dinner on Monday night to celebrate his birthday and made sure to tell them that it would be a surprise.

I knew I wouldn't be able to keep the dinner itself a surprise, so I told him I wanted to take him to Mikata (Japanese steakhouse, like Shogun) on his birthday to celebrate. His favorite is Thai food, but his favorite Thai restaurant is in Houston. Mikata is his next best favorite. I did so well about not saying anything about the actual surprise part of the dinner - the fact that four of our good friends would be there to celebrate with us. (Though apparently Kelly almost gave it away on accident the other day! :)) When we got to the restaurant, everyone was waiting for us. Glenn saw Anna and Daniel in one of the rooms, right after we walked in, but James and Kelly weren't visable. We walked into the room, and he said, "Hey guys!" That was about all the reaction the surprise got. It was actually kinda funny. :)

Well let me tell you how my sweet man was treated! Daniel presented Glenn with a gift, a video game. Anna brought out a yummy cookie cake for him! Our waitress and another waitress sang him the Japanese birthday song, brought him a pineapple boat, and took our picture. THEN, they brought a printed copy of that picture out to him with a $20 gift card. And as if that wasn't enough, James and Kelly took care of our check!! I have to tell you, I don't know of sweeter friends! We are so blessed!!! Thank you so much, James, Kelly, Daniel, and Anna for making Monday so special not just for the birthday boy, but for me as well. You are the picture of true friendship!

Happy weekend, everyone! :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I'm Impressed!

Wow, Stouffer's. I'm impressed!

Your new Corner Bistro Stuffed Melt and Soup combos (found here) are yummy!!

This is the one I had today, and it was surprisingly good! Frozen foods aren't usually very yummy, but hats off to Stouffer's for being able to make frozen food taste good.

I also got this one to try (found here):

I hope it will be just as good (or better) than the other one. :)

I'll let you know!

So over it

Dear Weather,

PLEASE make up your mind already because my allergies are about to drive me to the funny farm! Just get cold already, so my allergies will leave me alone!!

