Sunday, March 20, 2011

Can I ever blog on a regular basis???

Hey everyone!

I'm terrible at blogging on a regular basis! I haven't written anything since right after my surgery in November!! I'm very good at remembering to check out my blogger updates, but horrible at remembering to write my own! Oh well...

I've been busy since the last time I wrote. From about the middle of January until about a week ago, I have been doing two jobs during my 8-5 day. Before our former VP of Academics, Dr. Enloe, retired in the middle of January, he asked me to come answer the phones and help him out in his office (while still doing my regular work) his last week and Dr. Tucci's (new VP of Academics) first week. Well, I did that, and guess what...I'm still there! Poor Dr. Tucci had no idea (and I think still doesn't) that Dr. Enloe only asked me to work out of the VP's office for two weeks. And up until about a week ago, I was still doing both my regular job as well as filling in as the temporary Administrative Assistant to the VPAA. Right now, one of the other Arts and Sciences Academic Secretaries is helping to take some of the load off of me. She's handling my departments for the most part. I'm thankful because I'm not so stressed, but sorry she has that burden to bear.

I have gone through several classes since I last wrote, one of which was the most difficult one in my entire program, Teaching English Pronunciation. I just so happened to be taking this class during the time I was: working two jobs, about to move from Opelika back to Montgomery, and trying to maintain my relationship with Glenn. Boy was that a stressful 5 weeks!! SOOO glad it's over!!! :)

Speaking of my move, that was the best thing I could have done. Though I miss getting to see Glenn every evening, I am soooo much happier because I am getting better rest, getting to leave home at 7:45/7:50 for work, etc.

I just got back yesterday from my first trip ever to New Orleans! I went with my coworker and friend, Rebekah, to the TESOL national conference. We had such a blast!! (Because I'm lazy, I'm going to refrain from posting pics right now, but they're on my facebook if you wanna check them out. I'll try to post pics later.)

I also got to meet a few people from the university where I'm working on my masters, Azusa Pacific University. APU is in Azusa, California, not far outside of LA. In case you were wondering, my program is online. :) I had never gotten to meet anyone from my school before, so I was really looking forward to the APU crew dinner on Friday night. There were 16 of us: 1 professor, 2 online students (the other guy is in my current class but not my cohort), several alum from the field-based TESOL program, and several others from the on campus program. What a fun night! I didn't get to meet many of the on campus crew (we got split up at two different tables), but I met several lovely ladies who were in the field-based program. One of them teaches in ATL! :) And another of them is actually my next teacher for my last official class of my MA!! I didn't get to talk with her for very long, but I know she and I will be communicating a lot in the next month or so!! :)

Well, I guess that's it for now. We'll see how long it takes me to blog again!! :)

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