Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Houston and Sickness

Well, Houston was wonderful! We left on Friday night around 9 pm and got in around 7:30 or 8 am the next morning. I started off the drive and drove to Montgomery and got about 30 minutes south of Montgomery (an hour and a half into the trip) and pooped out! I was already tired. My love took over then, and bless his heart, he drove until about 5:30 am while I napped off and on. I drove for another hour and a half or so until we got pretty close to Houston - then he took back over driving. I wouldn't be caught dead driving in Houston...that is, unless we ever eventually move there. :)

When we got in town, we grabbed a light breakfast at Einstein Bros Bagels (took forever to find it...stupid gps), and then we piddled around for a little while at Fry's Electronics, heaven on earth for my love. :) After leaving Fry's, we headed to one of the Thai Cottage locations to meet up with his sister and nephews. We had a glorious lunch and then headed to the zoo. Finding a parking place was quite interesting. His sister lucked out and found a close spot, but we had to park a mile or two away. We enjoyed the zoo, though it was pretty unbearably hot.

We then headed to an arcade to waste some time while we waited for Glenn's mom and dad to meet us at another location of Thai Cottage for dinner. Yes, we went there a second time. It happens to be Glenn's absolute favorite, and it's not open on Sundays and was closed Monday for Labor Day. So, we were planning to have Thai Cottage three times that day (at three different locations, of course!). We only made it two times, and then we decided that was enough. :) Had dinner, and then we headed to lay our sleepy heads down for a full night's rest.

Sunday began by visiting Glenn's old church. It was nice. He enjoyed being back there for service. Then we had lunch at Texas Land and Cattle. We just kind of piddled around in the afternoon, trying to catch a relaxing break before the "storm" hit again. We were going to meet Stacey (Glenn's sister) and the kids (and Jesse...he pointed out that he's not a kid :)) at Dave and Buster's. We had dinner (which wasn't all that great...), and then we watched the kids play games for a while. Then we were able to catch the late IMAX showing of Inception, my first IMAX movie!! :)

Monday we got ready, packed up, said our goodbyes, and headed to grab some Tex Mex before we left. We ate at Cafe Adobe because I noticed several billboard claiming that it was the best Tex Mex in Houston. I don't know if it is true or not, but it was definitely good! It was much better than the Tex Mex place we went to in January when we were in town. :) We got in last night around 11:30 and were absolutely exhausted!!

This morning I woke up with a yucky stomach ache and that feeling in my mouth like you get when you're about to throw up. Yuck!! My stomach has hurt on and off all day, and it's currently feeling alright. Hopefully I'll be able to go to work tomorrow. I can't lie and say it wasn't nice to relax a day before going back to work though. I was able to catch up on the last two weeks of Bachelor Pad this morning (though had to keep stopping it intermittently because I was in so much pain that I couldn't even pay attention), and then I got to spend some time with Glenn this afternoon, watching a movie. Finally got my school work done this evening that was actually due, but I'm not following my week 2 plan so well this week. I need to pick up the pace tomorrow, so I'm back on track!!

Well, I guess I need to head to bed. Catch ya later! :)

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